core strength

  1. What’s Best - Cable Machines Or Free Weights?

    cable machines vs free weights

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of free weights Vs cable machines? Both have their

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  2. Strength Training Exercises For Runners

    Strength Training Exercises For Runners

    Why Do You Need To Strength Train?

    As a runner you probably put the miles in each week but why should you also build up your strength? Basically it will help to prevent injury, may also improve

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  3. Looking After Your Core Muscles

    Looking After Your Core Muscles

    For many a strong core is all about having a flat tummy but in reality it’s much more important than that. It’s crucial in many every day movements and research suggests it is also crucial in ensuring a h

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  4. How to Achieve Great Posture

    How to Achieve Great Posture

    Posture is the position in which you hold your body while standing, sitting or lying down.  Optimal posture occurs when our body is in a state of muscular and skeletal balance that protects the body

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  5. Body Pump - More Than Just Weights to Music

    Body Pump - More Than Just Weights to Music

    As fitness studies continues to provide new information, exercise programs are developed as a result of this research. Aerobic exercise came about consequently due to the research which showed the benefits

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  6. The Best 5 Full Body Exercises

    The Best 5 Full Body Exercises

    By full body, we mean exercises that require you to use many muscles and joints at the same time. We think the following five fit this bill and should give you really good results in a short period of

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  7. Core Stability - Part 2

    Core Stability - Part 2

    How Do You Monitor Core Stability? It is widely believed that core stability work is important as it reduces injury and improves performance but what scientific evidence is there to support this theory?

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  8. Core Stability - Part 1

    Core Stability - Part 1

    Core stability training is carried out with the aim to effectively recruit the trunk musculature followed by learning how to control the position of the lumbar spine during dynamic movements.

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  9. Is MMA a Good Idea for Training?

    Is MMA a Good Idea for Training?


    What Is MMA?  MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts and is full contact combat sport. You may also see it referred to as cage fighting or ultimate fighting.

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  10. Tips to Keep You Working Out

    Tips to Keep You Working Out

    We all start the year with good intentions, one of which is often to get fit and look after our bodies better. But it is hard, particularly when the demands of work and family often compete with that intention.

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