Is MMA a Good Idea for Training?

What Is MMA? MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts and is full contact combat sport. You may also see it referred to as cage fighting or ultimate fighting. Workouts combine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, No Holds Barred (NHB) Fighting, Boxing, Kickboxing, Thai Boxing, Wrestling and Weight Training.
So It's Just Fighting Then?
If you're into your boxing, like using the different punching bags to hone your technique and the managed agression of sparring, you'd think MMA could be a sure thing once you've learnd a few basic moves. However the reality is that the true combination of martial arts and boxing is an interesting one. If you box you can learn how to throw a punch, take a punch and manage your way through a bout. In MMA, there's so much more to consider - especially if you hit the ground you are done for.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches you how to subdue someone on the ground but will not help you to stand up and fight or punch. Jeet Kune Do will help you condition your mind but not get you safely out of a headlock. So MMA combines all of the positive elements of each martial art and is becoming increasingly popular, but just what is involved?
Most MMA classes will help develop the skills that you would need in combat whether you are going to actually fight or are simply using the training to get fit. So you will learn how to strike, wrestle, grapple and do submissions. What do these terms involve?
MMA Shorthand
Submissions mainly cover the art of chokes, arm locks and leg locks. Catch wrestling is also part of this but can be a very dangerous submission art. As for striking-Kickboxing, Karate, Muay Thai are the most popular. The key thing here is that in MMA you can use your hands, elbows, knees and legs. In MMA wrestling is all about both Freestyle and Greco Roman and involves you learning how to control an opponent as well as take an opponent to the ground. Judo can be a useful background to have here.
What's the Benefits?
The benefits of MMA training are very clear. It can certainly enhance your strength. This is because all of the different martial arts will target major muscles instead of other forms of exercise which only focus on one muscle group. This could help in the long term with degenerative conditions like osteoporosis.
Endurance will also be developed, cardiovascular conditioning is very much at the heart of MMA training which will all have a very positive impact on your heart, lungs, in fact all your bodily systems. So sparring or grappling training will provide an incredible cardio workout better than any treadmill could do. Core and balance is also improved and then there is the issue often spoken about that MMA improves self-confidence and self-respect. This is because core to MMA is self-discipline and MMA as a result is often used with people who need to manage their anger better and get improved self-control.
What's the Drawbacks?
The main concerns over MMA haven’t been over the training alone. They have focussed on the actual MMA fights which can be particularly violent and have often led to deaths. That is because you are allowed to literally kick and punch your opponent in the head even when they are down. The latest bad publicity was the death of Joao Carvalho who died of a brain injury whilst fighting in the Republic of Ireland. His death has encouraged many campaigners to end MMA competitive fights. So the main concerns are over MMA fights which are seen as simply too violent with fighters often not seeing much of the money generated from the fights.
Could I Just Focus on Training?
Yes you can. For most the training is the interesting bit - just take the excellent Boxing Pod from BOX12 - everything you need to do your own workouts, work on your technique and get all those punches out. . For those however who want to take the best bits of martial arts and create high cardio and strength workouts in safe managed environments managed by expert trainers then MMA could also be for you. We should also mention the benefits for stress, nothing like punching kicking and a bit of wrestling to take away the cares of the day!
You can find MMA classes in some gyms and even in some specialist boxing halls. Before you start do check out what equipment you need for safety and protection and also that your instructor is fully qualified.