keep fit

  1. A Folding Treadmill Or Non Folding Treadmills - Which is Best?

    A Folding Treadmill Or Non Folding Treadmills - Which is Best?


    Treadmills are one of the most popular pieces of home gym equipment. If you’ve decided to invest in one you’re likely to be faced with a dilemma; a

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  2. How To Design A Home Gym Layout

    how to design a home gym

    Seriously thinking about working out at home? Learn how to design a home gym and layout with some simple advice. From the constraints of space and budget to the need to have a sufficient variety of equipment

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  3. A Guide to Body Bar & Body Pump

    A Guide to Body Bar & Body Pump

    When looking for ways to workout at home for strength, toning or stamina, using weights needs to be simple, easy and hopefully cheap enough to attract the masses. The body pump set and body bar is a simple

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  4. Beginners Guide to Rowing

    Beginners Guide to Rowing

    The benefits of indoor rowing are undisputed.  No other gym equipment rivals the rowing machine when it comes to providing a calorie scorching, low impact, full body workout.  When correctly

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  5. Creating The Right Exercise Space in Your Home

    home gym space

    How do you go about creating the perfect exercise space in your home? With few of us having the ideal home gym space, we need to think about creating space in a dual use room, or buying gym equipment that

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  6. 8 in 10 Middle-Aged Britons are Overweight

    8 in 10 Middle-Aged Britons are Overweight

    Public Health England (PHE) have launched a campaign aimed at 40-60 year olds who they are concerned weigh too much, drink too much and do not exercise enough. They have launched a campaign called One

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  7. Royal Commonwealth Pool Undergoes Gym Refurbishment

    Royal Commonwealth Pool Undergoes Gym Refurbishment

    Gym development & in addition to new flooring and a general overhaul of décor, there are new CV and strength equipment being installed. These include PowerMills, SkillMills and water rowers.

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  8. Keeping Fit Whilst On Holiday

    Keeping Fit Whilst On Holiday

    Booked your summer holiday but wondering how you can maintain your fitness whilst away? You can keep fit on holiday without having to take any bulky equipment with you. Just use what you can find in the

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  9. How Much Bacteria is In Your Gym?

    How Much Bacteria is In Your Gym?

    Going to the gym? grab your hand sanitiser!  Ok so it's now official! Whilst the gym may help get you fit, the gym could also be a danger to your health if you don’t wash your hands afterwards.

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  10. The Future of Park Runs in Doubt

    The Future of Park Runs in Doubt

    Who Are ParkRun? Parkrun UK is an organisation who organise free, weekly 5km timed runs in local parks. They are designed to be open to everyone and are free. The idea being to encourage as many people

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