Exercise & Stress Reduction

The formula is simple; exercise and reduce stress. Experts agree exercise one of the best forms of stress management; lowering blood pressure, burning fat and relaxing the body and mind. Some experts even believe exercising on a daily basis can reduce stress levels by up to 40%.
Firstly exercising can reduce stress is by improving self esteem. Aside from the obvious improvement to physique and fitness, which boosts confidence, setting achievable targets means you can exercise and reduce stress as you attain your goals. The feeling of reward and accomplishment as you begin to see results effectively washes the stress away.
The health benefits of exercising are also no secret. Exercising is essential in keeping fit and healthy and is widely proven to combat disease and ailments. People who are overweight are proven to be more at risk of heart disease, diabetes and having a stroke. Exercise, along with a healthy diet, is paramount in combating this.
Some experts believe stress is linked back to our prehistoric roots where the chemical reactions that cause stress were part of the fight or flight instinct that helped our ancestors survive. As there aren’t many bears to fight off in day to day city living, the emotions build up in the form of stress. If we exercise and reduce stress we give ourselves an outlet for the negative feelings that make up stress.
How Should We Exercise & Reduce Stress?
Anaerobic and aerobic exercise can release pent up aggression and reduce stress levels in different ways.
Aerobic Exercise
Strengthens the cardiovascular system, increasing your heart and respiratory rate and drawing oxygen. Professionals advise three to five aerobic exercises a week at 60% to 80% of your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes. It is the best way to burn calories; key if your aim is to lose weight.
Anaerobic Exercise
However, is all about strength and power. If your goal is to build lean and healthy muscle, mix up isotonic and isometric exercises to really see results. Isotonic exercises use your muscles to lift weights and work against resistance; important for strengthening muscle and bones, along with toning and shaping muscles. Isometric exercise is more about holding positions to isolate muscles and build up size and shape.
In Summary
Choose a selection of both aerobic and anaerobic, depending on your goals and you’ll soon see yourself in better shape and brimming with confidence.
The results of exercise alone will combat stress as you’re self esteem rockets, affecting every part of your life. Confidence is paramount in the workplace, relationships and family life and will reflect in how people treat you and act around you.