cable machine in a home space

Cable machines are fantastic equipment to include in your strength training as this can support muscle and strength growth in your body. If you are new to strength training or want to switch up your gym routine, try the cable machine

In this guide, we look at the cable machine, or as some call it, dual adjustable pulleys and discover various ways you can incorporate it in the commercial or home gym settings to improve your mobility. 

Why is Mobility Important For The Body?

Mobility is widely linked to joint health and affects your ability for your body to move freely throughout your day-to-day life without causing pain. The movements you do daily are all related to mobility! 

Training and moving your muscles frequently is essential, so your mobility is not affected now and in the future.

What is a Cable Machine? 

Cable machines are large piece of equipment that possesses adjustable cable pulleys. Weight is added to the cables causing resistance, allowing gym goers to perform numerous exercises in various directions, improving their muscle strength and mobility. 

There are a sheer number of exercises you can perform. Some manufacturers list 225 exercises you can complete on the cable machine meaning the possibilities are almost endless.

What Are The Benefits of Using Cable Machines?

A Great Piece of Gym Equipment for Beginners 

A cable machine is a beneficial piece of equipment for beginners as there is no direct load of weight on your body. Cable machines allow you to focus on specific body movements while exercising without the hassle of lifting and removing various weights. 

Engagement of Your Whole Body While Exercising 

Cable machines allow you to focus on one specific aspect of your muscles but engage your whole body to keep you balanced. Your secondary muscles are engaged as there is no support to the rest of your body, meaning that you significantly develop your posture and mobility. 

Great Piece of Equipment For Limited Spaces 

Cable Machines do not require huge floor space, so if you are considering designing a home gym with limited space, a cable machine will be a great addition! 

Cable Machines Prevent Injury 

Cable machines are great at preventing and recovering from injury, allowing you to control your muscles in a controlled environment. You are not going through the force of gravity, which causes less stress on your body overall. 

woman using a cable machine

What Muscles Do Cable Machines Work?

Cable machines activate your core muscles, such as the abs, lower back and hips, depending on the muscles you engage. You can isolate various muscles you want to target and work on, meaning that you can tone, build muscle and improve mobility. 

Cable Machine Upper Body Exercises to Improve Mobility

You can do many exercises on the cable machine for the upper body! We recommend exercises that target the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Here are some exercises to complete for an upper-body workout that improves mobility: 

Cable Chest Press

• Place a pair of handles in the top position of the cable machine
• Grip the handles, step forward and lean forward
• Move the handles in a forward motion until they meet the front of your body
• With control, let the handles go back to the starting position 

Standing Shoulder Press

• Stand between two medium cables with handles
• Squat down, grab the handles and stand with your elbows bent 
• Start in a position of a shoulder press 
• Engage your core 
• Push the cables upward so that your arms are above your head
• Bring handles down, so they are even with your shoulders

Cable Machine Lower Body Exercises to Improve Mobility

We recommend exercises targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps for the lower body. Here are some exercises to complete for a lower body workout that improves mobility: 

Cable Goblet Squat

• Attach a rope or straight bar to a low pulley system 
• Hold the handle in front of your chest under your chin 
• Pull your shoulders down and back and engage your core
• Take a small step backwards and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart
• Bend your knees and squat down
• Stand back up and repeat

Cable Stiff-Legged Deadlift

• Attach a rope or straight bar to a low pulley system 
• Stand up and take 1-2 steps back to tension the cable machine
• Stand with your feet between shoulders, hip-width apart, and knees slightly bent
• Push your butt back and hinge forward from your hips, extending your arms out in front of you
• Push your hips forward and stand back up

Cable Machine Full Body Exercises to Improve Mobility

For a full-body workout, we recommend exercises that target the chest, legs, arms and glutes. Here are some exercises to complete for a full-body workout that improves mobility: 

Standing Single Arm Cable Rows

• Attach a rope or straight bar to a low pulley system 
• Stand a few feet away from the machine
• Slightly bend your knees as you grab the handle 
• Row all of your weight towards your body
• Engage the muscles in the middle of your back 

Cable Squat

• Stand away from the cable machine 
• Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart
• Grab the low pulley stirrups or rope handles with both hands
• Make sure to keep your chest high and your back straight 
• Pull at the handles as you raise your knees and hips
• Bend your hips backwards and your knees forward as you squat
• Squat 

cable machine in a home gym

The Best Home Cable Machine For Mobility 

If you are looking for a cable machine suitable for your home gym, we recommend the NOHrD SlimBeam Cable Machine! This space-saving design is compact and comes in seven finishes allowing you to choose a cable machine that suits your home gym.

With this cable machine, you can perform various exercises to benefit mobility in your legs, arms, abs and back! 

The Best Commercial Gym Cable Machine For Mobility 

If you want a cable machine suitable for your commercial gym setting, we recommend the Inspire Full Smith Cage System (with Bench, Leg Extension and Preacher Curl). This full smith cage system from Inspire Fitness is extraordinarily functional and includes a dual adjustable pulley, smith machine, bench, leg, and preacher curl attachments. 

With this cable machine, you can perform a wide range of full-body exercises to improve your mobility. 

We hope to inspire you to try a cable machine during your next gym session! If you are interested in purchasing a cable machine, please do not hesitate to contact us! We provide many finance options for those looking to build their dream gym.